6/30/23 Award Winner

Glenwood Volunteer Fire Department
Glenwood, IA


Chief: Matthew R. Gray

Apparatus:  Aerial Truck 12 

System: David Clark Company, 4-position wireless headset
communication system. 

Installation: First Wireless, Inc.

Congratulations to the Glenwood Volunteer Fire Department, Glenwood, IA, our Spring 2023 Biannual Headset System Giveaway award winner. The winning entry was sent by Chief Matthew Gray.

“Having a [David Clark Company] headset system will allow the person in the bucket to hear and communicate clearly with the operator on the apparatus. The wireless system will also allow the truck operator to hear traffic and commands to increase or decrease pump pressures during fire attack operations and allow the operator to communicate with command regarding any issues that may arise. When heading to a scene, all firefighters in the apparatus are able to hear all traffic with dispatch and scene approach reports to keep crews safe and better prepared for any issues they may face. The headset system will address several safety issues with clear communications on the way to the scene and at the fireground for our firefighters.”

The Headset Communication System will be designed and configured for the apparatus by David Clark Company. System installation will be provided at no charge to the department, courtesy of First Wireless, Inc., Omaha, NE, office.