5/29/20 Award Winner
Underhill-Jericho Fire Department Underhill,VT
Chief: Mathew Champlin
System: David Clark Company, 5-position headset communication system with wireless capability
Installation: The Radio North Group, South Burlington, VT

Congratulations to the Underhill-Jericho Fire Department, Underhill, VT, our 5/29/20 Biannual Headset System Giveaway winner. The winning entry was sent by Chief Mathew Champlin.
“The members of the Underhill-Jericho Fire Department greatly appreciate this award from David Clark Company which improves the safety of our members both en route to a call and while at the call. The clearer communications this system will provide for the crew of our engine will enhance communication and assignments prior to arriving at the call, shortening our time need to resolve the emergency. Being in a large rural area with poor communications at times, allowing our pump operator to clearly hear fire ground communications will certainly make a difference.”
The Headset Communication System will be designed and configured for the apparatus by David Clark Company. System installation will be provided at no charge to the department, courtesy of The Radio North Group, South Burlington, VT.